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Tips for Eating Healthy During the Holidays

1. Choose Wisely. The holidays can bring an abundance of food from main dishes and sides to sweet treats. You may allow yourself to indulge but be mindful of how much food you are consuming. Try using a smaller plate with only your favorites and try eating slower to prevent over-stuffing yourself. Also, avoid an excess of greasy, sugary, salty, or fried types of foods.

2. Eat Smaller Portions. The holidays like Christmas only come once a year. This means those once-a-year side dishes and desserts, like sweet potato pie or green bean casserole, are finally at the dinner table. If you are watching your diet but do not want to miss out on these holiday favorites, eat a smaller portion and make sure to count it in your meal plan.

3. Do Not Stress-Eat. Christmas, as joyful as it can be, can also come with a lot of stress and anxiety. Whenever the stress and anxiety overwhelm you, make sure to not stress-eat or find comfort in food. Try other methods to de-stress such as trying a new hobby, getting some fresh air with exercise and a change of environment, or try reading and journaling.

4. Drink More Water. Even quaint celebrations may call for a fancy toast with wine and champagne. Make sure to limit your consumption of alcohol and do not drink on an empty stomach as it can increase your appetite. Do drink more water to prevent dehydration, headaches, and to help boost your energy.

5. Do Not Shop Hungry. Why? The temptation of course! The smells of fresh donuts and desserts in the bakery aisle can lead to unnecessary spending. Also, the need to satisfy your hunger can lead to impulse purchases of unnecessary items. Before shopping, create a meal plan and make a grocery list. Stay discipline by sticking to that list. You will be more conscious of what you are eating and help build healthier eating habits when you see what you are purchasing. Plus, your wallet will thank you too.

Stay safe and enjoy the holidays with these tips for eating healthy!

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