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Spring Cleaning Tips for Businesses

Spring cleaning is often associated with sprucing up homes but even businesses should consider decluttering and organizing their space to reduce workplace injuries and illness. We gathered some great tips to motivate your business to get started on spring cleaning.

1. Create a “Spring Cleaning List”. If your office space is pretty big, divide the workspaces in smaller cleaning zones. Then create a checklist of what needs to be cleaned and organized in each zone.

2. File it or go paperless. Going green and paperless definitely helps save money on printing and mailing. If you haven’t gone paperless yet, organize your filing system and designate certain days or times to sort through files and shred any items that are no longer needed.

3. Deep clean and disinfect safely. After all spaces have been decluttered and unnecessary items have been cleared away from personal and shared spaces it is time to start deep cleaning and disinfecting safely. Consider dusting, wiping down and disinfecting surfaces. Per the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) cleaning with products containing soap or detergent reduces germs on surfaces by removing contaminants and decreases risk of infection from surfaces. In addition, due to the ongoing pandemic, it is recommended if no one is confirmed with or suspected of COVID-19, office spaces should be cleaned once a day which is usually enough to remove viruses that may be on surfaces. This also helps maintain a healthy facility.

4. Digitally declutter. Take control of your email and desktop and determine what you will do with your email and only keep regular icons on your desktop. Files that are used less often can be pinned to a quick access folder. Remember to keep your digital desktop simple and ready for a successful and productive day.

5. Get the team involved. Encourage office organization and cleanliness by setting aside regularly scheduled cleaning days or even scheduling bi-monthly or quarterly cleanings depending on the office’s needs.



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