Do I need hairdresser insurance? Yes, hairdresser, beautician, or barber insurance protects you and your livelihood. Defending a liability claim can easily cost hundreds to thousands of dollars. If you do not carry professional hairdresser insurance, you risk losing your hard-earned business, future earnings, and even your reputation. Not to mention your credit score could suffer, making it harder to get back on your feet. Here
are the essential coverages you would need as an independent stylist.
Professional Liability
Professional liability insurance provides coverage to pay for claims arising out of the rendering of or failure to render professional services in connection with your beauty operation as a hairdresser, nail technician, masseuse, or esthetician. Also known as malpractice insurance, professional liability insurance protects you if a client sues you over an alleged professional mistake, even if you did not make a mistake, but a client claims you did.
Imagine a client experiencing an adverse reaction to a product or claiming dissatisfaction with a service. In such instances, professional liability insurance steps in to cover legal expenses, settlements, or judgments. Without it, the financial strain could be enough to cut into the roots of your business.
General Liability
General liability is often referred to as business liability insurance. This coverage protects you from claims including bodily injury, property damage, and personal injury arising from your business operations. General liability can protect you if you are sued by someone who trips over your chair or table, incurs physical injuries caused by your products, or on whose expensive purse or coat you spill hair dye or oils.
Optional Coverages
Cyber Liability Coverage
At your salon, you likely store customer data electronically. What would happen if this data were attacked? Having cyber liability insurance coverage will assist you in restoring the data, covering the loss of business because of the attack, and for public relations services to assist you in communicating the attack to your customers.
Business Personal Property Insurance
Even though you rent, keep in mind that you have equipment, tools, and supplies for your business and when you have business personal property insurance it will help cover to replace your business property if there is a fire or other covered loss.
Here are 4 preparation tips to successfully become an independent stylist:
Make sure you are clear on the rental agreement and find a salon that matches your values. Not all salons operate the same, so making sure you know the details is essential. How much is your monthly rental fee? Does the salon take a percentage of your earnings? What are the expectations of renting a chair in the salon? Do your best to find a salon that has the same culture and values you do.
Research pricing for your services. Renting a chair in a salon also means that you can set your own prices. When setting your prices, you want to make sure you account for overhead. You will either be paying rent or paying a percentage to the salon owner. Keep this in mind when you set your prices and estimate how many sessions you need to book each month to hit your goal.
Perfect your social media marketing and organizational skills. When you are a renter, you will need to market yourself on social media since the salon owners will not be doing this. Your clients need to know where you are working and where they can find you. Marketing your skills on social media will help with recruitment of new clients. You will also need to have exceptional organizational skills since you are responsible for everything on your own—you are responsible for managing your own schedule, your own retail, your own everything.
Make sure you have the correct insurance coverage. Even though you do not own the salon, you still need to make sure you have the correct general liability coverage for your business. Being prepared for any situation is essential. Talk to your insurance agent to make sure you are fully covered.Â
When you are happy with the service you have received from another business or a partner, pass along that positive feedback! You will be building better business relationships, supporting your community, and establishing your reputation as someone who appreciates the work of others. All these things go a long way in helping your customers feel good about referring you to their friends.
Sources: Acuity
West Bend