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Tips on Safe Golf Cart Operations

Golf courses and large recreational property managements primarily use golf carts as part of their day-to-day operations. As an example, golf carts would be used to transport one or two golfers and their equipment around a golf course. However, golf carts can also pose dangerous consequences when operated carelessly resulting in personal injury, death, and property damage[1]. Follow these great tips on safe golf cart operations from SECURA insurance:

· Require proof of Driver’s License and Credit Card: Before having a customer use a golf cart have them show a valid driver’s license and credit card. A driver’s license will verify that the operator is of legal driving age and provides a name to hold accountable for an at-fault accident. A credit card can be a source of recovery for cart damage and may make an operator more careful if they know they are going to be charged for damages caused by negligent driving.

· Post Warnings: Post warnings in the pro shop and on the carts indicating safe operating procedures for the cart. Or print the safe operating procedures on the scorecard if it is a golf course. It should be made clear that public intoxication is not tolerated, and other warnings should include speeding and horseplay.

· Stay On Top of Cart Preventative Maintenance: Maintain carts to manufacturer specifications and keep them fully charged or fueled before letting anyone take them out.

· Maintain Cart Riding Paths and Usage of Warning Signs: Cart paths should be paved when possible and wide enough for two lanes in high-traffic areas. Post signs warning of the paving ends or if it is a high-traffic path. Trim low-hanging limbs and overgrown shrubs back from the cart pathway. Dying or dead trees that have the potential to fall across cart paths should be removed and cut down.

· Input Cart Restrictions or Regulations: Restrict use in rain or heavy frost when the carts are likely to slip or slide on ground surfaces.

· Safely Store Your Fleet: Store carts indoors after hours whenever possible to prevent theft and tampering. If you do not have an indoor location, store them in a fenced, enclosed area, or chain them together with a fortified lock and chain. In any circumstance, surveillance cameras are a plus.

To Learn more on Preventative Maintenance and Safely Storing Your Fleet go to:



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