It can be more challenging to focus on health during the holiday season. However, there is no better time to get a jump start on your health. Why wait for the new year to focus on overall wellness? Here are a few useful tips to help you prioritize your health over the holidays.

1. Stay hydrated. Being properly hydrated helps to regulate your body temperature, keeps your joints and organs functioning properly, prevents infection, and can also help improve your sleep and overall mood.
2. Avoid Stress. Okay, so “avoiding” might be near impossible but try to keep stress to a minimum. There are several negative health effects associated with stress including obesity, hypertension, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, headaches, digestive issues, depression, and sleep problems. Try to prioritize things in your life and learn to identify signs that you may be reaching your limit. Exercise, meditation, and getting adequate sleep are especially important to help manage stress.
3. Make healthy food & drink choices. Holiday parties and get togethers may bring the temptation to overindulge. Try to balance healthy options and enjoy your favorite holidays treats in moderation.
4. Get regular physical activity. You may feel too pressed for time to get in your normal 45-minute workout. Try instead to get two 10–15-minute walks in each day. If weather conditions do not allow for a safe walk or run outside there are multiple online videos and apps available for fitness of all levels.
5. Keep a positive mindset. Take at least a moment each day to reflect on positive things in your life and your day.
6. Seek the help or guidance from a trusted friend or professional if needed. Holidays can be joyous, but they can also be painfully hard for those dealing with loneliness, health issues, loss, or mental health challenges. If this season has you feeling blue realize that you are not alone and there are resources available: