Seasonal employment can only be done at certain times of the year and does not cover a period of more than 14 weeks according to the WI Department of Workforce Development. Seasonal jobs can vary during the fast-paced Holiday shopping season such as Christmas or even during high peak harvesting seasons for businesses. Below are some great tips that businesses should consider when looking to hire seasonal workers:
1. Ask for referrals from employees.
2. Consider a referral bonus for new hires and employee referrals.
3. Recruit early: If you already know you will need seasonal help start looking for workers early. Students are often out of school during the summer or winter break and are looking for jobs in advance. Advertise on local job boards, social media and reach out to schools. If you are pressed for time, consider getting help from a staffing agency.
4. Be clear about expectations: Provide a detailed description of the job position as you can. Be clear on the duration of the job and whether it is seasonal only or if the individuals could become permanent employees. Be clear about what the pay rate is for the position. What type of skills and qualities should a person have, that can help benefit the company?
5. Know seasonal employment liabilities: Employing seasonal workers comes with liabilities. Make sure to check with your legal counsel on all the regulations of hiring seasonal workers. Read up on your state labor laws to see if overtime exemptions and workers’ compensation apply to your business.
6. Evaluate your business needs prior to each season: Evaluate your business needs thoroughly before beginning the hiring process. Try to find the balance of hiring enough people to fill the work needed to be efficient for the present business needs.
7. Understand the laws with youth employment. During the summer many students are off school and seeking employment. Some young students may even choose to work outside of school hours. According to the U.S. Department of labor, youth employment can be involved in jobs that are non-manufacturing and non-hazardous and can only be for limited periods of time and under specified conditions. Having youth employed does benefit young people and business but most importantly, it is important to provide young people with a safe and positive employment experience for them.